• Keep up your routine during COVID-19

    Changes in daily life due to the COVID-19 pandemic and social distancing recommendations have created a lot of uncertainty. Creating a routine can add structure and predictability, allowing both kids and parents to feel calmer in the home. Below are a few tips on how to build weekend and weekday schedules to create a sense of stability and routine in these uncertain times.

    • Plan in Advance.
    • Maintain Consistency.
      • If possible, try to maintain consistency in daily schedules, especially during weekdays where children would typically be in school. Keeping a schedule that mirrors pre COVID-19 schedules as closely as possible (such as keeping similar sleeping and eating times) may help the transition to virtual education go smoothly.
    • Adapt Activities.
      • By finding ways to add familiar and enjoyable activities into your children’s daily lives, you can increase a sense of normalcy. This might look like participating in outdoor physical activities that can be done while maintaining physical distance from others, such as going on a bike ride. Enjoyable activities might also include virtual socializing with classmates, friends, and family.